2021 Targeted Update of ANZSCO
2022-02-28 14:44:55

2021 Targeted Update of ANZSCO

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is partnering with several Australian Government agencies to produce a targeted update of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This targeted update is due for release in November 2021. The ANZSCO, which is jointly managed by the ABS and Stats NZ, describes, and covers occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. For more information on ANZSCO please read How does ANZSCO work.

They have developed full profiles of the 25 emerging occupations, including employment numbers, earnings, and demographic information.

The NSC has identified and validated 25 emerging occupations within seven categories in the Australian labour market (Figure 1). This list is not considered exhaustive, and the NSC will continue to monitor and analyse emerging trends.

An advantage of our approach is access to real time internet job advertisement data using Burning Glass Technologies, which will allow us to pick up occupations in emerging fields like blockchain, nanotechnology, quantum computing and the internet of things as soon as the employer demand for these skills increases.
